Jun 15, 2013

BBM Flag List_showing where you come from

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 9:22 AM 0 nhận xét
BBM Flag List - The decorative items or personal property souvenirs bearing the national colors of the team that is the way to the fans to support their favorite team, BlackBerry users can also take advantage of the flags that beautiful baby with many different purposes, as well as how to decorate your nickname on BBM or convey a message that.

BBM Flag List

Below is a list of national flags of the world, you can use directly on the BBM application, no need for a 3rd party application.

Afghanistan *AF* Ghana *GH* Palau *PW*
Albania *AL* Georgia *GE* Panama *PA*
Algeria *DZ* Germany *DE* Papua New Guinea *PG*
Andorra *AD* Ghana *GH* Paraguay *PY*
Angola *AO* Gilbratar *GI* People’s Republic of China *CN*
Anguilla *AI* Great Britain *UK* Peru *PE*
Antigua and Barbuda *AG* Greece *GR* Phillipines *PH*
Argentina *AR* Greenland *GL* Poland *PL*
Armenia *AM* Grenada *GD* Portugal *PT*
Aruba *AW* Guatemala *GT* Puerto Rico *PR*
Australia *AU* Guinea *GN* Qatar *QA*
Austria *AT* Guinea Bissau *GW* Republic of Moldova *MD*
Azerbaijan *AZ* Guyana *GY* Reunion *RE*
Bahamas *BS* Haiti *HT* Romania *RO*
Bahrain *BH* Honduras *HN* Russian Federation *RU*
Bangladesh *BD* Hong Kong *HK* Rwanda *RW*
Barbados *BB* Hungary *HU* Saint Kitts and Nevis *KN*
Belarus *BY* Iceland *IS* Saint Lucia *LC*
Belgium *BE* India *IN* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines *VC*
Belize *BZ* Indonesia *ID* Samoa *WS*
Benin *BJ* Iraq *IQ* San Marino *SM*
Bermuda *BM* Ireland *IE* Sao Tome and Principe *ST*
Bhutan *BT* Islamic Republic of Iran *IR* Saudi Arabia *SA*
Bolivia *BO* Israel *IL* Senegal *SN*
Bosnia and Herzegovina *BA* Italy *IT* Serbia and Montenegro *CS*
Botswana *BW* Ivory Coast *CI* Seychelles *SC*
Brazil *BR* Jamaica *JM* Sierra Leone *SL*
British Virgin Islands *VG* Japan *JP* Singapore *SG*
Brunei Darussalam *BN* Jordan *JO* Slovakia *SK*
Bulgaria *BG* Kazakhstan *KZ* Slovenia *SI*
Burkina Faso *BF* Kenya *KE* Solomon Island *SB*
Burundi *BI* Kiribati *KI* Somalia *SO*
Cambodia *KH* Kuwait *KW* South Africa *ZA*
Cameroon *CM* Kyrgyzstan *KG* South Korea *KR*
Canada *CA* Lao People’s Democratic Republic *LA* Spain *ES*
Cape Verde *CV* Latvia *LV* Sri Lanka *LK*
Cayman Islands *KY* Lebanon *LB* St. Pierre and Miquelon *PM*
Central African Republic *CF* Lesotho *LS* Sudan *SD*
Chad *TD* Liberia *LR* Suriname *SR*
Chile *CL* Libya *LY* Swaziland *SZ*
Colombia *CO* Liechtenstein *LI* Sweden *SE*
Comoros *KM* Lithuania *LT* Switzerland *CH*
Congo *CG* Luxembourg *LU* Syrian Arab Republic *SY*
Cook Islands *CK* Macao *MO* Taiwan *TW*
Costa Rica *CR* Madagascar *MG* Tajikistan *TJ*
Croatia *HR* Malawi *MW* Thailand *TH*
Cuba *CU* Malaysia *MY* Timor-Leste *TL*
Cyprus *CY* Maldives *MV* Togo *TG*
Czech Republic *CZ* Mali *ML* Tonga *TO*
Democratic Republic of the Congo *CD* Malta *MT* Trinidad and Tobago *TT*
Denmark *DK* Mauritania *MR* Tunisia *TN*
Djibouti *DJ* Mauritius *MU* Turkey *TR*
Dominica *DM* Mexico *MX* Turkmenistan *TM*
Dominican Republic *DO* Monaco *MC* Turks and Caicos Islands *TC*
Ecuador *EC* Mongolia *MN* Uganda *UG*
Egypt *EG* Montserrat *MS* Ukraine *UA*
El Salvador *SV* Morocco *MA* United Arab Emirates *AE*
Equatorial Guinea *GQ* Mozambique *MZ* United Republic of Tanzania *TZ*
Estonia *EE* Myanmar *MM* United States of America *US*
Ethiopia *ET* Namibia *NA* Uruguay *UY*
Falkland Islands *FK* Netherlands *NL* Uzbekistan *UZ*
Faroe Islands *FO* Netherlands Antilles *AN* Vanuatu *VU*
Federated States of Micronesia *FM* New Caledonia *NC* Venezuala *VE*
Fiji *FJ* New Zealand *NZ* Vietnam *VN*
Finland *FI* Nicaragua *NI* Yemen *YE*
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia *MK* Niger *NE* Zambia *ZM*
France *FR* Nigeria *NG* Zimbabwe *ZW*
French Antilles (temporary) *FR-AN* North Korea *KP*
French Polynesia *PF* Norway *NO*
Gabon *GA* Oman *OM*
Gambia *GM* Pakistan *PK*

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BB10_Installer v1.0.0.1

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 9:18 AM 0 nhận xét
BB10Installer v1.0.0.1 -This product has the same function as DDTools before, but this time his focus for BB10.

BB10Installer v1.0.0.1

The software has the following main functions dentist: (Please enable recording function in English then, would not cut.)
-Connect via USB cable or wireless device.
-Get Infomation device (Model name, model number, OS version, Hardware ID .....).
-Load / Uninstall Apps installed. (select single or muti apps)
-Load / Install new apps. (select single or muti apps)
-Search module in list applications.
-Reload OS (Print menu "Extra").

Must have Java offline computer, download HERE.

Size: 11.7 MB

Download BB10Installer v1.0.0.1

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DDTools v1.0.1 (Lite version)

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 8:59 AM 0 nhận xét
DDTools v1.0.1 (Lite version) - Today, khacduy88 bring to his application sisters 4rum a sense of "home-grown". running on the PC to perform basic operations on the BlackBerry pure vietnamese ^ ^. DDTools is a simple tool interface English, perform basic tasks for new BlackBerriers and use.
DDTools - What's hot?
-Install ROM for PlayBook as local files.
-Install PlayBook applications via USB or Wi-Fi.
-The read / delete eventlog
-Read IMEI and MEP code for BlackBerry.
-Automatically update their BlackBerry.
-The Backup / Restore 3rd Apps
-Functions save / delete modules
-Installing application from file. Cod / file. Jad
-Screen capture, save in multiple formats.
-Video screen, output to file. Avi
-Create ALX / jad files. Cod to install the application from the loader or from the memory card.
-Correction function does not recognize the USB drive when plugged into a computer.
-Factory reset: function to remove IT policy on the BlackBerry.
-Reset 507: Delete whole operating system on the BlackBerry.

DDTools v1.0.1

DDTools v1.0.1 (Lite version)

Application Name: DDTools
Version: 1.0.1 Lite
OS support: Windows XP SP3 + +.

Download DDTools v1.0.1 (Lite version)

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Jun 11, 2013

How to Blackberry Format/Factory rest

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 8:32 AM 0 nhận xét
Go to options------->security options--------->general settings-------->press the bb button and click wipe handheld--------->tick off third party applications if you want to loose them all------->click continue and get type able season just type: blackberry and hit the enter button and the blackberry will now reset and reach factor state, then don't touch any key on phone your phone will be automatically full format.
Note: Lose any type of external data will be delete example: Contact no., Application, phone memories media store, Notes, Calender, etc to your phone so you need when any data so we tell backup first your choice data.

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Jun 10, 2013

Blackberry phone's password restore & Restore factory settings

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 12:33 PM 0 nhận xét
 Follow under steps for rest Blackberry password & factory reset also you will know more about information.
 Connect bb data cable first then
Open JL_Cmder
and then press any key example: Enter

Press no then your password will be disable from your Blackberry phone.
Press Y then you be choice d for Enter a new password or change manual.
Type what you choice your password, example: we type 11220, password will be sown on JL_Cmder down screen, You confirm after press enter then you be finish password season.
Also you can know basic info about from your Blackberry phone for type 1
Press 2 for Event log
Press 3 for Screenshot
Press 4 when you want to like erase all data from your phone press Y or press N to don't want erase 
 press 5 for rest factory you Blackberry this oparetion to will be fully rest phone also be password rest
Note: This means your phone's all data will be erase. So make sure before do this.

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Blackberry tool V2.9.1.0

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 12:26 PM 0 nhận xét
Free Blackberry unlock, This Blackberry tool free download & freely release for Blackberry software repair specially Blackberry software repair. Like unlock, Escreen code calculator, PRD database, CFP tool, Java loader tool, App loader tool, Read device info, Flash read, Write, Factory reset, Blackberry wipe device, Radio On/Off, USB mep read etc. This software also work for few manufactures device's repair like LG, ZTE, Alcatel, CDMA, Pantech, Doro, Verykool, for repair software flash, unlock, factory reset, password remove/forget password reset etc, So if you can use this software freely with full version.
What's new?
  • New system hardware ID (If you have purchased a retail version to please send me the new hardware id). next update server serial automatic.
  • Fix MEP-40488-002
  • Module CDMA open version beta - more update comming soon
  • Scan port
  • Read phone
  • Read SPC
  • Send SPC
  • Write SPC
  • KEY emulator
  • Send command hex
  • Send password 16
  • Read user lock
  • Write prl
  • Mode (Offline-A,-B,reset, FTM, online, low power, power )
  • PRD Base Date update - 11K PRD support
  • Update all MEP 278
  • Fix bug minor
  • update ZTE unlock
blackberry free tool, free blackberry tool, Unlock repair, Software repair,
Blackberry tool snapshot

BlackBerry MEP Support: MEP-04103-001,MEP-04103-002,MEP-04103-004,MEP-04104-003
ZTE support:
A261+, 151, 547, 551, 810, 811, Aeon, Amigo, Base Lutea, Blade, Coral 255, Coral 400, Coral 450, Coral 550, Coral 555, Coral 720, Coral 850, Dell XCD35, E810, E811, Eclipse, Globul Z3, GR221, GR230, GR231, GR250, GR260, GS203, GS213, GX670, GX760, GX761, Light, Light Pro, Link, Mercury, Movistar 731, Movistar Onda, Movistar Q78, Movistar Smile, Movistar Urban, N261, N281, N285, N290, N295, Optimus Sydney, Orange, Dallas, Orange Esencial G S202, Orange Indie, Orange Lisbon, Orange Miami, Orange Nalongo, Orange Rome, Orange San Francisco, Orange Tactile Inet2, Orange Vegas, R220, R221, R222, R225, R230, R231, R235, R236, R250, R253, R620, Raise, S114, S202, S213, S505, S511, S516, Sage, SFR 114, SFR 115, SFR 116, SFR 116 Noir, SFR 116i, SFR 132, SFR 151, SFR 155, SFR 231, SFR 232, SFR 241, SFR 242, SFR 251, SFR 251 MSN, SFR 261, SFR 341, SFR 342, SFR 343, SFR 344, SFR 522, SFR 551, SFR 552, SFR Messenger Edition, SFR Staraddict, SFR Staraddict, SFR Starnaute, SFR Startrail, SFR Starttext, Smart Netphone 701, Smartfreen Wide, Soft Stone, Softbank 003Z, Startext, Sydney, T202, T3020, Tactile Inet2, Telstra T-3020, TMN 1210, TMN 500, TMN 5000, TMN Bluebelt, TMN Bluebelt II, TMN Easy 50, TMN Ministone, TMN Sapo A5, TMN Script, TMN Script II, TMN Silverbelt, TMN Soft Stone, T-Mobile Vairy Touch, T-Mobile Vairy Touch II, T-Mobile Vibe E200, T-Mobile ZEST, V880, V9 Tablet, Vairy Touch, Viettel V6202, Vodafone 1230, Vodafone 1231, Vodafone 351, Vodafone 547, Vodafone 547i, Vodafone 550, Vodafone 553, Vodafone 945, Vodafone Indie, X630, X632, X670, X672, X730, X760, X761, X850, X930, X960, X990, X991, Xiang, Z525, Z533, Z553, ZIK V6202, ZIK V8310, ZONG R221, ZONG R231.

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Official: OS For BlackBerry Bold 9790 Via Bharti Airtel Limited

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 12:08 PM 0 nhận xét
Official OS has been released for the Bold 9790 from Bharti Airtel Limited. If you have a Bold 9790 its time once again to get out that USB cord and give your device a fresh OS. And as always, please remember to let us know about any findings/fixes in the comments below.
Software For BlackBerry® Bold™ 9790 smartphone

BlackBerry Handheld Software v7.1.0.2554 (All Languages)

Package Version:
Consisting of:
  • Applications:
  • Software Platform:
  • File name: 9790jAllLang_PBr7.1.0_rel2554_PL9.16.0.184_A7.1.0. 923_Bharti_airtel_Limited.exe
  • File size: 258.84MB

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.
Link: Package Version:

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