Jun 15, 2013

BBM Flag List_showing where you come from

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 9:22 AM
BBM Flag List - The decorative items or personal property souvenirs bearing the national colors of the team that is the way to the fans to support their favorite team, BlackBerry users can also take advantage of the flags that beautiful baby with many different purposes, as well as how to decorate your nickname on BBM or convey a message that.

BBM Flag List

Below is a list of national flags of the world, you can use directly on the BBM application, no need for a 3rd party application.

Afghanistan *AF* Ghana *GH* Palau *PW*
Albania *AL* Georgia *GE* Panama *PA*
Algeria *DZ* Germany *DE* Papua New Guinea *PG*
Andorra *AD* Ghana *GH* Paraguay *PY*
Angola *AO* Gilbratar *GI* People’s Republic of China *CN*
Anguilla *AI* Great Britain *UK* Peru *PE*
Antigua and Barbuda *AG* Greece *GR* Phillipines *PH*
Argentina *AR* Greenland *GL* Poland *PL*
Armenia *AM* Grenada *GD* Portugal *PT*
Aruba *AW* Guatemala *GT* Puerto Rico *PR*
Australia *AU* Guinea *GN* Qatar *QA*
Austria *AT* Guinea Bissau *GW* Republic of Moldova *MD*
Azerbaijan *AZ* Guyana *GY* Reunion *RE*
Bahamas *BS* Haiti *HT* Romania *RO*
Bahrain *BH* Honduras *HN* Russian Federation *RU*
Bangladesh *BD* Hong Kong *HK* Rwanda *RW*
Barbados *BB* Hungary *HU* Saint Kitts and Nevis *KN*
Belarus *BY* Iceland *IS* Saint Lucia *LC*
Belgium *BE* India *IN* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines *VC*
Belize *BZ* Indonesia *ID* Samoa *WS*
Benin *BJ* Iraq *IQ* San Marino *SM*
Bermuda *BM* Ireland *IE* Sao Tome and Principe *ST*
Bhutan *BT* Islamic Republic of Iran *IR* Saudi Arabia *SA*
Bolivia *BO* Israel *IL* Senegal *SN*
Bosnia and Herzegovina *BA* Italy *IT* Serbia and Montenegro *CS*
Botswana *BW* Ivory Coast *CI* Seychelles *SC*
Brazil *BR* Jamaica *JM* Sierra Leone *SL*
British Virgin Islands *VG* Japan *JP* Singapore *SG*
Brunei Darussalam *BN* Jordan *JO* Slovakia *SK*
Bulgaria *BG* Kazakhstan *KZ* Slovenia *SI*
Burkina Faso *BF* Kenya *KE* Solomon Island *SB*
Burundi *BI* Kiribati *KI* Somalia *SO*
Cambodia *KH* Kuwait *KW* South Africa *ZA*
Cameroon *CM* Kyrgyzstan *KG* South Korea *KR*
Canada *CA* Lao People’s Democratic Republic *LA* Spain *ES*
Cape Verde *CV* Latvia *LV* Sri Lanka *LK*
Cayman Islands *KY* Lebanon *LB* St. Pierre and Miquelon *PM*
Central African Republic *CF* Lesotho *LS* Sudan *SD*
Chad *TD* Liberia *LR* Suriname *SR*
Chile *CL* Libya *LY* Swaziland *SZ*
Colombia *CO* Liechtenstein *LI* Sweden *SE*
Comoros *KM* Lithuania *LT* Switzerland *CH*
Congo *CG* Luxembourg *LU* Syrian Arab Republic *SY*
Cook Islands *CK* Macao *MO* Taiwan *TW*
Costa Rica *CR* Madagascar *MG* Tajikistan *TJ*
Croatia *HR* Malawi *MW* Thailand *TH*
Cuba *CU* Malaysia *MY* Timor-Leste *TL*
Cyprus *CY* Maldives *MV* Togo *TG*
Czech Republic *CZ* Mali *ML* Tonga *TO*
Democratic Republic of the Congo *CD* Malta *MT* Trinidad and Tobago *TT*
Denmark *DK* Mauritania *MR* Tunisia *TN*
Djibouti *DJ* Mauritius *MU* Turkey *TR*
Dominica *DM* Mexico *MX* Turkmenistan *TM*
Dominican Republic *DO* Monaco *MC* Turks and Caicos Islands *TC*
Ecuador *EC* Mongolia *MN* Uganda *UG*
Egypt *EG* Montserrat *MS* Ukraine *UA*
El Salvador *SV* Morocco *MA* United Arab Emirates *AE*
Equatorial Guinea *GQ* Mozambique *MZ* United Republic of Tanzania *TZ*
Estonia *EE* Myanmar *MM* United States of America *US*
Ethiopia *ET* Namibia *NA* Uruguay *UY*
Falkland Islands *FK* Netherlands *NL* Uzbekistan *UZ*
Faroe Islands *FO* Netherlands Antilles *AN* Vanuatu *VU*
Federated States of Micronesia *FM* New Caledonia *NC* Venezuala *VE*
Fiji *FJ* New Zealand *NZ* Vietnam *VN*
Finland *FI* Nicaragua *NI* Yemen *YE*
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia *MK* Niger *NE* Zambia *ZM*
France *FR* Nigeria *NG* Zimbabwe *ZW*
French Antilles (temporary) *FR-AN* North Korea *KP*
French Polynesia *PF* Norway *NO*
Gabon *GA* Oman *OM*
Gambia *GM* Pakistan *PK*

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