Jun 24, 2013

Big Collection Schematic BlackBerry 2012

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 10:37 AM 0 nhận xét
Schematic BlackBerry 8100
Schematic BlackBerry 8130
Schematic BlackBerry 8220
Schematic BlackBerry 8220
Schematic BlackBerry 8310
Schematic BlackBerry 8320
Schematic BlackBerry 8520
Schematic BlackBerry 8530
Schematic BlackBerry 8900
Schematic BlackBerry 9000
Schematic BlackBerry 9100/9105
Schematic BlackBerry 9300
Schematic BlackBerry 9500
Schematic BlackBerry 9530
Schematic BlackBerry 9550
Schematic BlackBerry 9630
Schematic BlackBerry 9650
Schematic BlackBerry 9700
Schematic BlackBerry 9780
Schematic BlackBerry 9800
Schematic BlackBerry 9900
Link: Schematic BlackBerry

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BlackBerry Master Control Program

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 10:11 AM 0 nhận xét
BlackBerry Master Control Program is a software solution aimed at all BlackBerry owners, providing a wide array of useful features, such as synchronization and backup tools.
The application offers two connectivity modes, USB and serial, but users will most likely prefer the first one because it provides higher transfer rates.
The interface is not the best we've seen, that's for sure, and as such, it may take a while to figure out how to use the application since the look isn't quite user friendly.
BlackBerry Master Control Program bundles so-called “Java Loaders” which allow you to factory reset the connected BlackBerry device, recover memory, wipe the handheld, either completely or just remove the applications and file system, set the time and turn on or off the radio.
In addition, there's a dedicated tool to capture a screenshot and save it separately on your computer, with separate options to set up the feature to take new screenshots at a user-defined interval.
Another thing that's worth mentioning is that BlackBerry Master Control Program boasts what specialists call “Operating System Management” that may be a somewhat risky job for beginners. It allows users to download a new BlackBerry OS and install it on their mobile phones.
And last but not least, there's also a separate screen with download links for USB drivers and other useful goodies for all BlackBerry owners, including desktop software and operating systems.
All in all, BlackBerry Master Control Program is a nice way to get in touch with your BlackBerry device, but some improvements are a must have in certain areas.
BlackBerry Master Control Program description
The BlackBerry Master Control Program application was designed to provide a complete BlackBerry device management, including the ability to download and install BlackBerry Device Drivers, Operating Systems and third-party tools quickly and easily from a single grapical user interface.
MCP allows you to keep an unlimited number of OS’s installed on your PC but at the time you actually install an OS to your device MCP only lets RIM’s Application Loader “see” the OS you had selected inside MCP. Most OS 101 articles tell you to uninstall all other OS’s from your PC before you begin the process.
This is time consuming to say the least. MCP allows you to keep multiple BlackBerry OS’s installed on your computer and keep them in their current (possibly optimized) state for later use at any time.Here are some key features of "BlackBerry Master Control Program":

· Performs ALL JavaLoader commands and options - one hundred percent - graphically.
· Upgrade/Downgrade to any device OS that is installed on your computer - without having to uninstall other OS's.
· Relocates OS files to the same locations as CrackMem, so you can switch between MCP or CrackMem at will.
· MCP is available via Windows Control Panel after installation.
· Easy to access shortcuts to the most common BlackBerry tools.

· BlackBerry Device
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· Added JavaLoader 7.0 Beta 2 (from BlackBerry JDE 7.0 Beta 2).

· All downloads on the Downloads screen have been updated.

· MCP Support link (Welcome screen) fixed.

· MCP Portable updates and fixes.

· MCP Redesigned for PortableApps Platform “Next” Pre-Release 3
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program 30th, 2011
· Added JavaLoader 7.0 Beta 2 (from BlackBerry JDE 7.0 Beta 2).
· All downloads on the Downloads screen have been updated.
· MCP Support link (Welcome screen) fixed.
· MCP Portable updates and fixes.
· MCP Redesigned for PortableApps Platform “Next” Pre-Release 3
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program Beta 1:
December 7th, 2009
· Modules Lists Updated
· The modules lists on the Erase Modules and Save Modules (Java Loader) pages have been updated. The new modules lists display the name of the module followed by the module version and size (in bytes) in parenthesis.
· Old Method... Module name only, example: BeejiveIM
· New Method... Module name (Version/Size), example: BeejiveIM (1.9.7/1456772)
· MCP Backup Bug Fix
· In some cases one or possibly two modules were not being backed up properly in older versions of MCP. This is now fixed!
· More Information
· For all of the gory details and download information hit the jump!
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program December 3rd, 2009
· Removed embedded Shockwave Flash components
· MCP Downloads Page: Desktop Manager updated to DM B49
· MCP Downloads Page: Device Manager updated to DM B49
· MCP Downloads Page: USB & Modem Drivers updated to DM B49
· MCP Downloads Page: BlackBerry Media Sync updated to
· Copyrights changed from 2009 to 2010
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program November 23rd, 2009
General Changes:
· MCP now supports Java Loader 5.0.0 Beta 5 (JDE)
· Stand alone EXE now downloads the correct Java Loader EXE (5.0 Beta 5)
· Stand alone EXE now downloads the correct images
· Note: Existing users: close MCP, delete the images and icons folders, run mcp.exe again
· Updated MCP Help (http://mcpfx.com/help)
· Added MCP FAX (http://faq.mcpfx.com/)
Operating System Management (OSM) Changes:
· "More/Games" section is now "More/IM's" (Instant Messengers)
· "Instant Messengers" section is now "BlackBerry Games"
· More/IM's > More Modules: Added: CityID
· BlackBerry Games: Added: Block Breaker Deluxe 2, Bejeweled, Twist Demo, Monopoly, Peggle Demo, Tetris, Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, The Sims 3
· Confirmation page for OS now shows your PIN in the sample image on the right side
More Changes (Since
· MCP gets a major facelift! Brand new graphics for the navigation panel and installers! - Thanks Shane!!
· Save Modules now allows user to create ALX/JAD for saved modules (http://mcpfx.com/page.php?21)
· Added Backup & Restore for third party applications (2 clicks) (http://mcpfx.com/page.php?21)
· Added ALX/JAD Builder with drag & drop window for building the module list (http://mcpfx.com/page.php?21)
· Hotkey Navigation (F-Keys) updated (http://mcpfx.com/page.php?22)
· Load/Erase (and other) information popups are now modal (main screen is disabled until operations complete)
· Left side navigation panel reduced number of icons dramatically (it was too cluttered)
· MCP navigation icon hints are now more detailed and describe what each page can do
· MCP Live Support tool (separate download -> binsupport.exe) allows remote viewing and interaction
· MCP installer now adds "MCP Log" and "MCP Live Support" to the Windows Start Menu
· External apps icons: added intelligence to left click... if app exists, execute it, if not, go to website
· External apps icons: hints updated to acknowledge ability to middle click for settings
· OS Management: Added "Delete JVM" checkbox (if checked Application Loader will start with the /nojvm parameter which will destroy JVM on the device)
· OS Management: Added "Full Wipe" checkbox (if checked Java Loader will "Wipe" the device destroying any existing IT Policies prior to the OS installation)
· Navigation: Load/Erase/Save Modules used to be "hidden" under the "Java Loader" page, they are now in the main navigation area
· Development platform upgraded from "Windows XP SP3 / CodeGear RAD Studio 2009" to "Windows 7 RC1 / Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010"
· Load Modules > Locate files now initially shows all COD and JAD files, selector allows user to filter differently
· MCP Bin folder path corruption bug fixed - this was fully annoying

What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program November 25th, 2008·
MCP now uses RIM Java Loader from the new BlackBerry JDE 4.7 Beta 2
· Added Auto-Check Java Loader Version option to Settings page
· Java Loader version checking is now 100% specific to the Java Loader EXE field in Settings
· Java Loader version checking now downloads the exe, txt and md5 for Java Loader
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program Beta 3: November 18th, 2008
· MCP now supports the ability to manage multiple USB Devices / PINs
· Simulation Mode
· Automatic Java Loader Version Checker
· Almost all MCP Images and icons are now extensible
· BBDevMgr.Exe vs Windows Hourglass - Fixed
· Added MCP Status (Online/Offline)
· Performance Improvements
· Operating System Management enhancements, added PIN to messages
· Added Command Line Parameters
· Added menu system for the MCP system tray icon
· Updated the Welcome and About screens
· Settings page... Added "Pin Check Interval"
· Added "Textures" to the Settings page, follows Windows themes
· Tons of other fixes/improvements
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program Beta 2: November 10th, 2008
· Complete rewrite of the Operating System Management page
· Added screen size selector to the Screen Capture page
· Tons of fixes and improvements
What's new in BlackBerry Master Control Program Beta 1: November 8th, 2008
· One hundred percent fully functional graphical user interface (GUI) for Java Loader (JavaLoader.exe)
· All possible combinations of Java Loader commands and options can now be utilized inside of MCP. The OTASL commands are a bit unknown, so for now they are located on the Area 51 page.
· Load Modules (Java Loader page) updates: There is a new drag and drop control allowing you to drop in (multiple) COD files. The load button allows you to select multiple COD files. In both cases, the edit window will not automatically clear each time, allowing you to reference an unlimited number of COD files in an unlimited number of different folders.
· Save Modules (Java Loader page) updates: The retrieve button now brings back a sorted list of modules that are installed on the device and presents them to you in a check box list. This allows you to fine tune which modules you want to save by checking them individually.
· Erase Modules (Java Loader page) updates: The retrieve button now brings back a sorted list of modules that are installed on the device and presents them to you in a check box list. This allows you to fine tune which modules you want to erase by checking them individually.
· One of the three pages mentioned above was broken in the last build. These sections have all been heavily updated and it seems much more intuitive and easier to use.
· The navigation of these new "mini pages" is done by clicking the three icons at the left side (up arrow (blue), down arrow (red), etc.).
· Added a "Command Prompt" button to the Java Loader page, for hardcore users that miss their command line.
· Added a small button at the bottom right of the output window for the Information page and the Area 51 page that allows you to export the output to a file.
· The Operating System page has a new section: "Estimated Space Savings". This section will try to show (as accurately as possible) how much space you will save during your installation based on the files you have selected. This is not 100%, but it is fairly accurate, and it is dynamic because it actually checks the sizes of the COD files as the selections are made. This means that if a COD file grows by 500k in a newly installed OS (on your PC), you will see the difference.
· The Operating System page has been completely overhauled. Size estimates are provided for every possible option, and as they are unchecked/checked the "Estimated Space Savings" will update to reflect the changes. This shows an almost real time estimate of how optimized your new OS will be once it is installed. If you set the "Vendor" setting (Settings page) and you check/uncheck that vendor's theme, the size (savings) will be even more accurate.
· All selections are "live". If you uncheck it, the COD is moved out of the installation path. If you check it, the COD is moved back into the installation path.
· Each individual section on the Operating System page now has two new (tiny) buttons near the top right of the section. The left button checks all of the items in that section. The right button unchecks all of the items. Long overdue.
· During OS manipulation, if you are unchecking (removing) a module and the COD file exists in both the original folder and the removed files folder, the copy in removed files is deleted and then the original is moved to the removed files area. If you are checking (adding a module back to the installation) and the COD file exists in both folders, the backup copy in the removed files area wins.
· Added a "Dimension Themes" section to the Operating System page. As mentioned elsewhere, you have to keep all four of these installed if you want to use custom themes. If you don't need that ability, you will probably want to at least keep the Dimension Zen theme. If you uncheck them all, you will still get a theme, but it's total dog shit (screenshot).
· Added a "900x Series" section to the Operating System page.
· Added a "Command Line Interface (CLI)" applet to the Area 51 page.
· Added online update checking for version updates and also (separately) the content files (list files for most of the drop down selectors). These new controls are on the Settings page.
· Added "flatten controls" to the Settings page to add cool visual effects to all of the edit fields and drop down lists.
· Popup "Please Wait..." messages are now working 100% and now automatically center up with the main window. All of these windows are set to "stay on top" so that they don't "pop under" or get lost behind the main form.
· Added "JavaLoader.exe" expected output to the Settings page. This just lets you see graphically what should happen with the command line arguments based on your PIN and other settings inside this page.
· Added "Vendor" to the Settings page. This setting has a slight affect on the new "Estimated Space Savings" section of the "Operating System" page.
· Added "Auto Capture & Save Interval" to the Screenshots page. Names are now given to the check boxes on the left side so it's more obvious what they do (Auto Capture / Auto Save).
· Added an "Applications" page for a graphical way of managing all external applications. These will actually override where MCP tries to set your paths. These could be manipulated previously only by editing the mcp.ini file.
· Added a "Quiet Mode" option to the "Basic Settings" section of the Settings page. Checking this option will turn off the left side banner and the MCP "face" images on the Welcome and About pages. This is a "not safe for work" type control.
· The left side background image (imagesleft.bmp) and the main image seen on the Welcome and About pages (imagesmain.jpg) can now be changed externally. The work.bmp file is what will be seen (stretched) if quiet mode is used.
· Fixed the semi-borked "Module Info" button on the "Information" page.
· Finally added a decent amount of information to the Welcome page.
· All pages have been massively overhauled.
· Most hints have been updated.
· I have fixed all of the bugs I have been able to find.
· Removed readme file (mcp.txt) in favor of online documentation.

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Jvm error code & Blinking Led code on the BlackBerry

Được đăng bởi Unknown vào lúc 9:28 AM 0 nhận xét
The following table lists errors that can occur in the Java virtual machine (JVM) on BlackBerry devices. Contact Research In Motion® (RIM®) if you encounter any error codes not listed in this table.

Value Error Description

101Previous startup failed
The device was reset during the JVM boot process. The JVM found the boot in progress flag was set on startup. The screen is intended to break continuous reset loops so that corrective action can be taken.

102Invalid code in filesystem
The system checked the COD files in the device for modification and determined that a problem exists with one or more COD files.

If all loads fail, a build process error might occur (a problem exists with signing the COD files).

If a user action on the device resulted in this problem, the reset cycle is continuous because the code in the filesystem has been corrupted. The only recovery method is to wipe the device and restore a new system.

103 Cannot find starting address
The starting address for the boot COD file cannot be found. This might indicate that a boot COD file has not been installed on the device or that its format is invalid or corrupt.

Uncaught: <Java-type-name>

An uncaught Java exception was thrown by the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can continue, or the device can be attached to a debugger on a desktop computer. The Microsoft® Windows® Event Viewer log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.

Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d

The file system application programming interface (API) has returned an error status for a specific operation. This might indicate a corrupt filesystem or an error in the JVM.

Graphics system error
An error was detected in the graphics system on the device.

operator new() called

A C++ class in the JVM was coded incorrectly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator new. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP.

operator delete() called

A C++ class in the JVM has was coded incorrectly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator delete. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP.

PriorityMessageCount error: <priority-count>

The value returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative. It should always be greater than, or equal to, zero. This indicates an error in the operating system code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

Non-idle event downtime error: <down-time> <idle-down-time>

A problem was detected in the accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how long the JVM has been idle. This usually indicates an error in the device firmware or the JVM. This could also occur if the tick count rolls over after 400 or more days of device time.

Font engine error

An error was detected in the font engine system on the device. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

Java Native Assertion Failure

An error was detected in the Java native code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

Application manager threw an uncaught exception

The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and cannot continue execution.

Crypto initialization code failed

The initialization of the crypto system failed and the device cannot continue execution.

An attack on the key store has been detected

An attack has been detected and execution cannot continue.

Console process died

The application manager console process (usually the Ribbon) has died. This is likely due to an uncaught exception during execution.

Persistent Content Exception

An application tried to commit a plaintext object to the Persistent Store. This will only happen if Content Protection is on and a process tries to save something in the PersistentStore that is marked as plaintext. Since this exception was not handled, the persistent store is in a bad state. You should reset to roll back to the last good commit point.
Note: This is not a JVM erro; the JVM is simply diagnosing the problem. The eventlog contains information about the erroneous Java code.

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

All processes exited The last Java process has terminated. There is nothing left to execute.

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

Bad Byte Code An error has occurred in the JIT compiler.

506 Uncaught Exception
An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread, thus ending the only live thread in the system. The eventlog contains the traceback for the exception.

507 Unsatisfied Link
A dependency on a COD file could not be satisfied because the COD file is missing.

508 Invalid object
A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM.

infinite loop in PPO phase of GC The maximum iteration count for the PPO phase of a GC must be the maximum number of file handles in the system. This error indicates that the iteration count exceeds the maximum. Hence, a flaw exists in the PPO loop or a corrupted file system. The extra hex integer in the error string is the flash id of the current record where the infinite loop was detected.

510 Deadlock
All threads are waiting on objects, resulting in deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state because no thread can release a lock.

511 Debug connection died
A problem has occurred while debugging that may be caused by a VM problem or an incorrect debugging command being sent to the VM.

512 GC Aborted
An idle garbage collection has been interrupted by a user event (for instance, a key was pressed or the trackwheel was used).

513 <clinit> needs running
An opcode requires that a class <clinit> execute before it can continue execution.

514 <init> needs running
A new instance of a class has been allocated and it must be initialized by the default constructor before it can be used.

515 Object group too big
The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the JVM because either there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.

516 Persistent ids exhausted
When committing a persistent object, the JVM found that the persistent store id counter reached its limit. The object was not committed and a critical error was reported. This error should not occur unless a device is heavily used for years.

517 Filesystem corrupt
An inconsistency was detected in the JVM persistent object store.

518 Unexpected longjmp

A garbage collection marking phase was terminated via a longjmp. This indicates that the marking phase was interrupted when it should have completed without interruption. This error should not occur because these actions are executed when the device is not idle, and GCs can only be interrupted when the device is idle.

519 Internal Error
The JVM host is missing or has been disabled.

520 Internal Return
This is an internal state that indicates a Java method return needs to be executed.

521 Dangerous Wait
An Object.wait() was executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object.

522 Interlaced synchronization
A thread acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn't match the order in which a lock on the two types were previously acquired. This indicates a future potential deadlock situation and is reported. The check is only available in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLocks application switch.

523 System process died

A critical Java process has terminated, and the device cannot continue to operate in a normal manner.

524 LMM error
An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager, but it was not freed during a garbage collection.

525 Bad persistent object
An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object was output into the eventlog.

526 java.lang.Object not found
The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found.

527 java.lang.String not found
The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found.

528 Corrupt filesystem.
Unrecoverable. All data will be lost All data will be lost when execution continues. The error message screen contains a number representing an internal reason for the corruption. This error is not diagnosed if a COD file was removed because the JVM must delete objects that were defined in the removed COD file. Thus, this error is not expected in normal device operation. Refer to the following reason codes:
Root array reference is not a valid array reference
Root array type is not Object[]
Root array size < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
Contents of root[0] is not a valid ref
Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
Persistent segmented array header contains an invalid reference
An entry in a persistent Object[] contains an invalid reference
An Object's type refers to an unknown codfile
An Object's type description in the codfile doesn't match the size in the store
A reference type field in an Object has an invalid reference in it
A reference type field in an object points to an object of the wrong type
A persistent Object[] is missing its descriptor
Object in persistent store is not marked as persistable
Root array is segmented and one of the segments is invalid

529 Corrupt filesystem.
About to attempt recovery. Some data may be lost Some data will be lost when execution continues. The error message screen contains a number representing an internal reason for the corruption. This error is not diagnosed if a COD file WAS removed because the VM must delete objects that were defined in the removed COD file. Thus, this error is not expected in normal device operation. Refer to the following reason codes:
Root array reference is not a valid array reference
Root array type is not Object[]
Root array size < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
Contents of root[0] is not a valid ref
Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
Persistent segmented array header contains an invalid reference
An entry in a persistent Object[] contains an invalid reference
An Object's type refers to an unknown codfile
An Object's type description in the codfile doesn't match the size in the store
A reference type field in an Object has an invalid reference in it
A reference type field in an object points to an object of the wrong type
A persistent Object[] is missing its descriptor
Object in persistent store is not marked as persistable
Root array is segmented and one of the segments is invalid

530 VM_PREVENT_GC_OVERFLOW: _preventGC overflow
A fixed number of native objects can be protected from garbage collection. This error indicates that a native has exceeded the fixed limit of objects that can be protected. If the device is reset or thread tracebacks are logged, the name of the actual native can be extracted.

531 Flash exhausted
There are certain operations where the JVM cannot withstand running out of flash space. In these circumstances, this error will be reported if the JVM cannot allocate a required amount of flash space.

Assertion failed Normally this JVM error should not be reported since the device is not shipped with assertions enabled. The simulator may report this error in debug mode indicating a VM assertion was violated. Try typing BKPT to activate the debugger and dump the native call stack for forwarding to the VM team.

533 VM_RUN_METHOD: <method> needs running
This is used internally for ECMAScript to call Java methods.

Fast Reset Disabled This is used internally to indicate that fast reset capability is not available. Often used in platform-specific code.

535 VM_UNUSED_535:
Unused This is an unused VM error.

536 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_INSTANCE: VM Instance Check Failed
This is used internally to indicate that the VM structure passed in is at the wrong address or has been corrupted.

537 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_HEAP: Heap Check Failed
This is used internally to indicate that the VM heap has been corrupted or pointers into the heap have been corrupted.

This is used internally to indicate that the VM IRAM checks have detected corruption of VM data structures (threads and local stacks) that reside in IRAM.

This is used internally to indicate that the VM was not idle when the reset occurred and, as such, cannot continue with a fast reset.

This is used internally to indicate that the time since the last fast reset is less than a minimum time. By disallowing multiple fast resets in a short amount of time, this should prevent fast reset loops.

541 VM_HEAP_COMPACT_INFINITE_LOOP: infinite loop detected in heap compaction
The VM detected a problem in its RAM heap that indicates its RAM was corrupted. The problem was detected by identifying a possible infinite loop during RAM heap compaction. A bugdisp log and eventlog should be extracted quickly when the device is in this condition. If possible, images of RAM should be saved.

542 Transient memory leak
The JVM detected that some memory was not freed, indicating that a memory leak has occurred. This condition is detected as early as possible to improve chances of isolating the cause.

543 VM_FS_MISMATCH: Incompatible Java filesystem installed
The VM detected that the operating system binary is different from the operating system binary used to create the Java file system. This means that the Java native methods may not be linked properly and as such, the integrity of the system cannot be guaranteed. The system can be recovered by using the VM DLFX and DLPS commands to delete the fixups and persistent store. This will clear all data and fixups and let the filesystem re-link to match the new operating system binary.
Note: The recovery order is:

Delete fixups
Delete persistent store
Reset device

544 VM_SECTION_MAP_OVERFLOW: a module references more than 255 other modules
The VM detected that a module is trying to reference more than 255 other modules. Extract the filesystem immediately when this error is

545 VM_INCOMPATIBLE_FILESYS: an incompatible or corrupt filesystem was found
The VM detected an incompatible or corrupt filesystem. Extract the filesystem immediately when this error is detected.

546 VM_UNUSED_546: unused
The VM detected that the RAM image of its filesystem is corrupted (failed CRC check). Better to reset than to duplicate the corruption into flash.

547 VM_UNUSED_547: unused
This is an unused VM error.

548 VM_UNUSED_548: unused
This is an unused VM error.

549 VM_UNUSED_549: unused
This is an unused VM error.

Blinking LED code on the BlackBerry

1 1 Not a bootrom error: The OS is resetting During init!

3 11 No OS Loaded (* Tip: The reload MFI)

5101 Bad OS CRC

Missing OS CRC 7111

11 OS 1011 Trailer Missing

Not Signed OS 13 1101

Invalid Signature 15 OS 1111 (* Tip: verify failure by loading the software and let sit with no battery
for approximately one hour, if it boots up it’s fine, if it comes back with another bootrom Error, try replacing the flash)

21 10101 Unknown Flash Manufacturer

23 10111 Flash initialization problem (* Tip: try replacing flash)

27 11011 Flash Erase Failure (* Tip: try replacing flash)

29 11101 Flash Operation Out Of Range

31 11111 Bad Bootrom CRC (* Tip: try replacing flash) 43 101 011 USB Driver Error

45 101101 No Bootrom CRC

47 101111 Flash Write Failure (* Tip: try replacing flash)

53 110101 Invalid Memory Configuration Table

55 110111 Password Not Initiated

59 111011 RAM initialization problem (* Tip: try replacing flash)

61 111101 Cache No Pages Free

63 111111 Cache Invalid Page Type

Random Number 85 1010101 Failure

Failure OSStore 87 1010111

91 1011011 Security Init Failure

93 1011101 NAND failure

95 1011111 General assert failure

107 1101011 GPIO failure

109 1101101 runtime library failure

111 1101111 Exception: undefined isntruction

117 1110101 Exception: SWI

119 1110111 Exception: Prefetch Abor

123 1111011 Exception: Data Abort

125 1111101 Exception: Reserved

127 1111111 Exception: IRQ

171 10101011 Exception: FIQ

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